Make Room

We have the opportunity to MAKE ROOM by expanding our current facility with an additional 11,440 square feet dedicated for children and students; another 2,188 square feet to expand our auditorium; and additional parking to accommodate additional growth.

We have a goal of $2,227,500 to raise and you can join us in getting there! Your financial gift can be contributed over many months or all at once and if you are currently a financial contributor to Alamo Community Church, we ask that this amount be above and beyond your normal giving.

But this expansion is ultimately about more than just additional square footage. By choosing to MAKE ROOM in this way we will be making room for The Next Generation as this space will serve as a catalyst for children to build their lives around the reality of a God in heaven who knows them, loves them, and has a plan for their life. We will be making room for The Neighborhood by providing space for neighbors, new and old, to connect and reconnect with God in a personal way. And in the end, our prayer is that the room we make among us would have ripple effects beyond us ... that our efforts for The Next Generation and The Neighborhood come would ultimately impact The Nations for the glory of God and the good of others.

Our Latest Efforts

78.4 is our effort to join together as a congregation for participation in “Make Room.” “78.4” is an individual commitment of $78.40 a month for 6 months as a way to collectively declare the words of Psalm 78:4, “we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

Why Are We Making Room?

As our community continues to literally build up around us, each Sunday seems to come with an increased need for more room. From maxed-out parking space, to auditorium space, to a kid's area that is filled to capacity, what once felt like more than enough room suddenly feels overcrowded. Together, we have done our best to make adjustments, but now it’s time to MAKE ROOM.

How Are We Making Room?

In the most literal sense, we have the opportunity to MAKE ROOM by expanding our current facility with an additional 11,440 square feet dedicated for children and students; another 2,188 square feet to expand our auditorium; and additional parking to accommodate additional growth.


Thank you for your willingness to partner with us in our goal to Make Room, for the next generation, for the neighborhood and for the nations.

  • What is this capital campaign for?

    This capital campaign is to raise the funds needed to expand our current building and MAKE ROOM to accommodate additional growth.

  • What does the campaign look like?

    Our Make Room Campaign is broken down into two phases. The first is to raise an initial $1,000,000 to start the building process. Second, once construction begins, we must finish raising the remaining goal amount of $1,227,500 before construction is completed. The overall goal is $2,227,500.

  • How big will the building be?

    We will be increasing our building by 13,628 square feet to accommodate children, students, and adults.

  • How many more seats will we add in the main auditorium?

    The auditorium building addition is 2,188 square feet. We will reconfigure rows to have 756 seats in the auditorium.

  • How many classrooms will be added?

    We are adding five classrooms for elementary grade levels. We will also have five new adult classrooms. There will also be new gathering spaces for adults and students.

  • Will there be more parking?

    Yes, we will double the number of parking spaces with additional paved parking areas.

  • The church building is less than 4 years old. Do we need an addition already?

    As the city of San Antonio continues to expand outside Loop 1604, the Talley Road area has become one of the fastest-growing areas of our city. As our community has experienced rapid growth, so has our church. We are routinely at capacity in both our Children’s Ministry area and Auditorium space. The new addition will not only help ease the immediate strain on our volunteers, staff, and building but will also better equip us to meet the needs of a growing community and further the mission of connecting and reconnecting people to God.

  • Can we just add more services?

    We added an additional third service in October 2022, which helped ease some of the capacity strain at the time. However, this was always viewed as a “temporary solution” for our space issues. The third service added to the workload of both our staff team and hundreds of weekly ACC volunteers. We believe adding a fourth service would stretch our volunteer teams, staff teams, and pastors to a pace that is neither healthy nor sustainable.

  • How long will it take to build the new additions?

    Once construction begins, we anticipate it will take about 12 months to complete, however, it could be completed sooner or later depending on various contingencies.

  • Will we have any work days where we as a church can help in the building of these new areas?

    Yes. We will communicate those dates ahead of time once they are set.

  • How will construction impact Sunday services and the Children’s Ministry?

    There will be minimal impact to our current weekly gatherings.